Thr3e By Thr3e Present:

The Waves Whispered Ghosts

Ghostly sounds. Ghostly eyes. Inner states that abandon themselves into vast, dark oceans whipped into pearly garlands of foam by the chasing winds. Dreamscapes unfurl, getting fragmented into the air like particles, a soul travelling across the oceans in the langueur of sleep.

‘3’ is a constellation of the artists Sall Lam Toro, Cistina Lavin and Alba Liv. The show is a cross-type between a musical concert and performance art. The piece will unfold a blend of sounds and dance, that will switch and morph meditative to erratic energies.
‘3’ has been interested in combining multi-media art; with each individual artist contributing, clashing and complimenting with paintings, sculpture, performance and video art, music and activating more intimate interactive experiences within exhibition spaces and concerts. ‘3’ are interested in creating intimate spaces where it is possible to unfold a concoction of assorted media, which can both harmonize and collide. 

Performed at Click Festival Helsingor (2020)

More on Constellation 3

Documentation by Mette Genet